Kapsalakis Diesel - Corinth Canal - Boat Fuel - Diesel For Yachts - Boat Refueling Corinth

Kapsalakis Diesel - Corinth Canal - Boat Fuel - Diesel For Yachts - Boat Refueling Corinth

160628 Visitors:
Address: CORINTH
Telephone: 2741024024
Mobile: 6944393301
P.C.: 20100
Fax: 2741085009
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Kapsalakis Diesel boat station in Corinthos is close to you every day, offering you high quality boat fuels, always at the most competitive prices. From us you can supply fuel for boats of consistent quality and high efficiency. High quality fuels to ensure the smooth operation of your boat.    ...
160628 Visitors:

CORINTH, Κόρινθος

160628 Visitors:

Kapsalakis Diesel boat station in Corinthos is close to you every day, offering you high quality boat fuels, always at the most competitive prices.

From us you can supply fuel for boats of consistent quality and high efficiency. High quality fuels to ensure the smooth operation of your boat.




Kapsalis Diesel - Corinth Canal - Diesel For Yachts - Corinth Gas Station - Oil Distribution - 24 Hour Gas Station Boat Fuels
Kapsalis Diesel - Corinth Canal - Diesel For Yachts - Corinth Gas Station - Oil Distribution - 24 Hour Gas Station Yachting Service